Several Generations of the Bivins Clan!

Several Generations of the Bivins Clan!
Hanging out!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

More sad news, my aunt Dorthea Bivins went to be with the Heavenly Father a few days ago. I missed seeing her at the family reunion and I am shocked and saddened by the news. She was a wonderful wife, and a loving mother to a group of beautiful children and grandchildren. As a Christian wife and mother she is what I aspire to be, a true Proverbs woman. She and my Uncle James Bivins were married for 45 years, she will truly be missed by all who were Blessed to know her. We cannot prevent death but we can celebrate the lives we were given. Do not wait to start living until it is time to go home. Get to know a family member you do not, reconnect before the time is gone.


Anonymous said...

Dorothy was loved and she will be missed. We are blessed to have known her.

Unknown said...

I never had the opportunity to know her. I'm saddened by that fact. It's probably time for me to reconnect with my family.